Monday, January 27, 2020

Dear Future President Part 3 of 3

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

In the final session of our Dear Future President series the message focused on one final foundational issue that is important to God, his followers and therefore should be important to the future president: the environment. I used the words environment, the world and the earth interchangeably in the message and summarized the message in the final letter to the president listed below.

Dear Future President,

We live in a world created and owned by God. We are born into this world and leave this world. We do not bring anything in with us, and we do not take anything out with us. All we have is this short space of time where we live together in a symbiotic relationship with this world. How we live can negatively or positively impact our world. God has entrusted this world to us, and God holds us accountable for how we live. When we steward the earth as a gift from God, we all benefit. Dear future president work as the chief steward for our nation; a shining example to us and others on how to steward well.

As you make decisions about this world consider a story of Jesus: a parable, designed to teach and make us think. The story is about three servants given resources by a master. Two servants invest and increase their master’s gifts. One does not. The master blesses the one who invests and increases the resources given. He punishes the one who does not. Let us together, invest and increase the precious resources that are our world. You do your part; we will do ours.

We will live simply and wisely, performing small actions that when counted together will be big actions nationally. We will limit our desire for more and commit to being generous with those in need. Dear Future president, we humbly ask you to do your part: protect our limited resources, manage them wisely and advance future technologies that might show an increase in our resources. Work with others around the world in global partnerships and efforts to find ways to invest into and increase the resources of our natural world. In this way, we might secure a future for the generations to come until Jesus returns.

Dear future president, steward this world as a gift with wisdom and humility for it belongs to God.

Yours truly,

A follower of Jesus.

The application of stewarding the created world is diverse. The tendency is to see one's own lifestyle as appropriate, necessary or right and others as wrong or extreme. But, perhaps the better task is to learn from each other and provide grace to each other as we try to live this out. What do you do to steward our world?

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