Monday, January 13, 2020

Dear Future President - Part 1 of 3

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Dear Future President is a message series I am preaching at Faith Community Church this month. It is a three week series posed as a letter to the future president of the United States communicating what I believe is important to God and to His followers. At the end of each message I read a letter I have written to the future president based on the message.

This is the first letter based off the first message: Character Matters.

Dear Future President,

We need you to lead us well. We want you to lead from a place of strong character. Ancient and modern history shows us that the character of a person influences the world around them. What is within us as people, impacts those around us. Dear future president, choose to be a person of good character. Create laws and policies that allow us to live lives of peace and quiet so we might pursue good character, what the Bible calls godliness and dignity, together. When you do this, you help us all find our dignity again.

As followers of Jesus, we are trying to model our lives after Jesus. James, the brother of Jesus, challenged us to put into practice what we read about Jesus.

For us, part of that means surrounding ourselves with good people. Dear future president, surround yourself with wise advisors of good character. Another part for us means watching our words and being careful with what we say. Too often, we, as followers of Jesus, have failed by saying the wrong thing at critical times. We ask forgiveness from God and those we have wronged for our errors. Don’t do what we have done. Be better. Dear future president, be careful with what you say so we might all stay out of trouble. Finally, as we follow Jesus, his brother James reminded us of how Jesus lived: with wisdom. Dear future president, be like Jesus, be wise. Wisdom is seen in how you live, so live well, live wisely, live humbly.  You can do so much good, for our country and our world. Do it wisely. Do it humbly. Do it well.

Perhaps then, together with all who call this country home, we might become a united people of depth and character, a godly people, of dignity and peace, a wise people of humility and goodness. That is an America worth voting for.

Dear future president, lead with character

Yours truly,

A follower of Jesus.

What would you say in your letter if you wrote one?

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