Saturday, April 18, 2020

Leadership Masterclass

Photo by Alfred Aloushy on Unsplash

Governor Cuomo just delivered a masterclass on crisis leadership in his briefing on the state of work in New York State. 

His briefing was clear - detailing facts when they are facts and his own opinion when it was his opinion. He kept to the script of what he planned to say. He focu
He focused on care - presenting facts and plans he highlighted and spoke with compassion and care for those affected.
He was calm - he answered questions and presented real solutions using common sense in his communication.
He was confident of his team - when asked a question he had no answer to, his response was, we should look into that. He looked around at his team and they had an answer to the question which he did not know an answer to (nor did he know they had a plan for it either). After a clear response from his team, he responded with support of their answer, humor in the midst of it and did not steal the show from the one who spoke.

Throughout these briefings he has clearly stated that he is not running for any political office other than the one he currently holds - governor of New York. He has made these statements consistently to be clear that his decisions and comments are not to gain political currency for a future presidential run.

From the outside watching in, in my opinion, he is leading brilliantly.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The World is on Tilt

Photo by Jordan Bauer on Unsplash

I remember the old time pinball machines. They had this mechanism that stopped the game if you lifted the machine up to stop the ball rolling in a direction. It was appropriately called "tilt".

The world is on tilt right now.

I'm not sure who is lifting it up, but it has certainly stopped.

And as with any human effort, there are good things and bad things. Bad things abound in greed, anger, scams, the loss of human rights and poor leadership. Good things abound in love, care, comfort, sacrifice for others and crisis leadership.

Every day we are faced with the choice: to perpetuate the bad or the good.

Honestly, it's always that way, it's just that now - the stakes for our decisions are much higher.

So, choose well my friends and readers.

Choose good.
Choose love.
Choose care.
Choose sacrifice.
Choose wise leadership.

Choose to turn off the tv, and close the social media apps.
Choose to breathe, stretch and breathe again.

We will get through this, and we will be able to grieve together at our losses, laugh together at our survival, grow together as a human race once again.

But maybe, we will stop racing and start being again. Maybe, we will hold onto the tilt just a little longer, and discover a brave new world of unity and togetherness again.

It will soon be time to try that quarter again and get the ball rolling.