Warning: this is a parody post. Do not take literally.
It has become quite popular these days to name a spiritual activity using a Latin phrase. Of course, these activities are spiritual disciplines that are centuries old, but you know when you're spiritually mature when you can use the latin phrase for the activity.
For example, lectio divina, which means divine reading (or sacred reading) is a method of reading the Bible that leads to insights and contemplation different from study or research. There is also visio divina (divine seeing) where you look at art or pictures and meditate on what God is saying through it. Recently, I was led in audio divina (divine hearing), where you listen to a recording and meditate on it. So, these are simple activities or reading, looking and hearing.
While doing this audio divina exercise, I had this funny thought. It seems like naming an activity with the latin terms endows it with spiritual depth. What if I named other activities with their latin terms (I did do 5 years of latin in high school, of which I remember almost none of it), I could create a new spiritual direction booklet and lead people to new depths of spiritual maturity.
Here are some ideas:
Somnio Divina: sacred sleeping - close your eyes, breathe deeply and...sleep. The very act makes you mature already.
Cocio Divina: sacred cooking - play with spices, food types and methods to create new foods, then practice...
Sapio Divina: sacred tasting - taste the food for new insights into spiritual activity. This exercise is best done with...
Potio Divina: sacred drinking - drink measured drafts of your selected liquid, savoring the flavor and relishing the new insights. After all these spiritual acts, you will need to do...
Exercitio Divina: sacred exercise - work your body in sweat, learning through pain what God is teaching. Now you are ready for...
Opio Divina: sacred work - do your work well, or just start at the beginning again with Somnio Divina.
They must be deep...they're in Latin.
So, which spiritual activity sounds like your next new one to try?
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