Friday, November 22, 2019

A window to my past: Stranger Things Thoughts

Photo by Puneeth Shetty on Unsplash

So, I'm late to the Stranger Things party and only just getting into season 2 (second episode, so no spoilers please!).

But as I watch this complex, well written, wonderfully interesting show with too many jump scares and not enough real scares, it reminds me of my teenage years. It feels surreal to look into a time when I was a teenager and things from my past.  Things like movies I remember, events of my teens and the clothing (oh my word we were weird - stove pipe jeans anyone)!

I have enjoyed Stranger Things and my oldest son and I watch it together. It's a great bonding time as we explore the Upside Down world, try to make sense of the monsters and who really is the bad guy in the show. And mostly, I enjoy every now and then just getting my own jump scare on my oldest, which requires a lot of laughter and rewinding to watch what we missed.

Some of those surreal times were the arcade scenes in episode 1 and 2. Who remembers Dig Dug and Centipede. I hated Centipede, but loved Dig Dug. I thoroughly enjoyed learning how to play Dragon's Lair, but agreed with the sentiment that it was a money sink hole. I must say, I don't remember the cartoon princess though.

Anyway, that's a window into my past as I watch Stranger Things. 

What do you think about Stranger Things and do you have any recommendations for what to watch next?

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