Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
SynopsisWhen I started watching this movie I thought it was a story about Mr Rogers. And it is...sort of. I also thought it was going to be a manifesto on kindness...and it is...sort of. What it actually is, is an episode of Mr Roger's Neighborhood tv show shot in a movie form. It deals with anger, and kindness and real events in the life of Mr Rogers.
The movie, based loosely on an Esquire article, chronicles the attempt to interview Mr Rogers by a hard hitting (some would say mean spirited) investigative journalist. As the story progresses, we learn of the reporter's failed relationship with his father who is dying. Real life events of Mr Rogers, retold for the movie, are captured in different settings or similar settings: people singing the theme song on the subway, the moment of silence for all those who have loved us into being.
As we watched the movie as a family, something interesting happened. What had been a chaotic night, with heightened tensions and raised voices, became a setting of serene calm and peace. The quietness of Tom Hanks portrayal of Mr Rogers, the pace of the movie, the rhythmic soundtrack and the power of the story all led to a dramatic change in our home.
As we begin the next period of school closings, social distancing and forced or self quarantines as a society, I think this movie has something to say to us: make people feel loved today. Express kindness, share love, pass on hope. And here's what I am seeing: more and more people are using the power of social media to provide support and help to each other. Offering help with rides, meals and food support for those in need, gratitude and care are growing in abundance.
Keep bringing the best of us out and Mr Roger's dream of a society wide neighborhood of care and love might just come true. Well done all...let's keep at it.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood scores a New Moon.
Scoring System
Wolves are thought to commonly howl at the moon. So, the better the moon, the greater the howl. Description of scoring system below.
Full Moon - best you can get, must watch and must own
New Moon - great movie, worth seeing and buying
Crescent Moon - average to above average, good to watch, but may want to wait for DVD
Sliver Moon - below average, not worth seeing and only get it on DVD when you have nothing better to do, like having a root canal
Moonless Night -not even worth mentioning - avoid at all costs!
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