I bet many thought "Christ". But, Christ was not Jesus' last name - it was His title. In Hebrew it was "Messiah", in Greek, "Christ". Both mean "Anointed One". Calling Jesus, Christ, means acknowledging that he is the Anointed One of God. The truth is we don't know Jesus' last name.
In Old Testament times privileged people were anointed: prophets, priests and kings. Typically, a priest or prophet conducted anointing ceremonies. The equivalent experience today would be a coronation ceremony of a king.
Despite Jesus being called the Anointed One, the only real anointing He received is recorded in Luke 7:36-50. Luke describes this woman, as someone who "lived a sinful life". Her response to Jesus is one of weeping and love. Her public demonstration of love and worship may have made some uncomfortable. Jesus looks through the display and sees a woman in need of forgiveness. He grants her this need and lets her know that her sins have been forgiven - not because of the extravagant display but because He is the gracious, merciful and loving God who can grant forgiveness.
As I pray the Jesus Prayer, this encounter is helpful to me. As I pray to Jesus the Christ, I would like to think that I want to be more like the sinful woman in the story rather than the self-righteous pharisee. I want to seek Jesus out with weeping and worship to forgive my sins. I want to anoint his feet and head with rich perfume to show the depth of my affection. I want to hear the words of Jesus, "Your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you. Go in peace."
But, I am all too aware that I probably would be the pharisee questioning Jesus and this over-the-top public display. I truly need to experience the Christ, the Anointed One, who is the prophet, priest and king of our faith.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
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