Saturday, March 14, 2015


When I was in high school we used to play a game called Mercy.  It involved taking a deck of cards and whacking each other on the knuckles until someone called for mercy. I went to a boys only school, hence these games of macho bravado (often called "stupid" by more intelligent people) I am sure there are many versions of this sort of game.

In the Jesus Prayer, when you pray for the Lord to have mercy, it is not out of pain being inflicted on you by God, or because of some form of surrender due to a being conquered. It is a cry for help to someone who can rescue. Of course, there is a cry to not receive the punishment we deserve, but when I pray it, it is more a cry for God to be a generous, gracious rescuer to save me from the trouble I have put myself in.

That's the God I worship and believe in - One who rescues, One who saves, One who shows mercy in abundance. And I need it.

I am astounded by my ability to purposeful choice and coincidental exposure. I am grateful for God's mercy, a mercy so evident in the Bible (even the hard parts to read) and in my life (especially the hard parts).

What comes to mind as I pray this prayer is Jesus parable of the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18:21. A servant is given incredible mercy from his master for a huge sum of money. However, in return he gives no mercy to a fellow servant who owes him very little. As I cry for mercy from God I hear Him whispering, give mercy to others.

There are many areas of my personal and professional life where this is needed. So, as I pray this prayer I ask for one more thing - God open my eyes to where I can give mercy in my personal life and in my ministry.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

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