I would love to know how those blog writers keep up a daily pace amidst the normal routine of life.
Life has filled these past weeks with...work, sermons, counseling, meetings, meetings and more meetings, soccer, lacrosse, piano, projects, school projects (you know the ones that start out as your kids and then become yours!), added responsibilities, surprises, support, friends, crisis, gym, diets and meetings again!
It's certainly the reason God gave us the story of Genesis 1 (not really to tell us the detail of his creative work - sorry literalists), but really to tell us two key things. He created it all and he rested.
God rested!
He modeled the concept for us. He took a break!
I don't know what it means for God to take a break. How does God rest? What does it look like for God to take a rest?
But let's not get sidetracked.
Rest is the key idea. God rested to tell us we should rest. Rich coming from the "stay up till 2am and get up at 6am" person I've become.
Perhaps this was sparked by a conversation with my son asking about why we need to sleep, He was incredulous that you could die from lack of sleep! That's the end result of not sleeping - death. So, since God is life, he rested!
All that to say...in life's busiest moments, it is more important than ever to take a time out and rest!
To all those fellow insomniacs, over thinkers and sleep strugglers - may you find some rest!
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