Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday

You probably have seen them all over your social media...what people are giving up for Lent. Sacrifice is a quintessential Christian act.  Living on less or giving up something for a period of time to allow you to better focus on God is a good practice to have. And it works.

This Lent there are many things I would like to give up on...

...all this snow for one!
...bad news reporting would be another! end to violence!
...demands on my time from all areas!

But let's be more realistic...none of those is going to happen. The snow will be here till the Ice Age ends, bad news reporting is an epidemic, violence (well say no more) and demands on my time...I might as well step off the planet (and who made me the center of attention - as though my time is worth more than anyone else's!) Jesus faced nearly all of those challenges - bad news reporting about him, violence surrounding him, and constant demands (in fact many of his miracles were due to interruptions). I'm not convinced Jesus faced our I have that one...maybe.

So here's my Lent sacrifice, small as it is.

I want to take each day of this Lent and pray the Jesus Prayer as often as I can.

The Jesus Prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

I'll post thoughts on this as they come to me.

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