Friday, January 15, 2016


I recently was at a retreat in Rhode Island. The place we stayed was on an small outcrop called Goat Island. It used to be a naval torpedo production and testing site. The hotel where I stayed was filled with pictures of torpedoes being tested, built, retrieved and evaluated. It got me thinking about the metaphor of torpedoes and ships.

In life we are sometimes torpedoes and ships.

Like ships, we go through life moving towards a destination. Sometimes, it is slow and stately (like the big cruise ships), sometimes fast and thrilling (like speedboats), and other times just weighed down as we move through our routines (like cargo ships).

Like torpedoes, sometimes we are on a mission, focused and undeterred as we hurtle towards our target. That focus maybe towards a destructive end (for us or others), or it may in an attempt to avoid greater destruction (like stopping a ship intent on causing greater harm).

There are positives and negatives in both metaphors.

Torpedo like behavior can be positive:
  • Stopping a bad idea in its tracks
  • Being focused and on mission
  • Dealing with a bad habit or addiction
Torpedo like behavior can be negative:
  • Damaging good relationships 
  • Being so focused on a mission that you forget about the important things in life (loved ones especially)
  • Moving so fast in a straight line that you cannot adapt to the changing situation
Ship like behavior can be positive:
  • Moving towards a chosen destination with purpose and planning
  • Providing means for others to get there with you
  • Sheer enjoyment and fun in life
Ship like behavior can be negative:
  • Vulnerable to outside attack
  • Swayed by currents and winds too easily
  • Without power, you can drift off course
So what are you in life - a ship or a torpedo? More importantly, is that the right thing to be for this season of life?

And of course...its the worst thing to be a torpedo when you need to be a ship and be a ship when you need to be a torpedo!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Golden Globes Apathy

Yes I watched the Globes! No, I don't care about the clothing. It's just fun to see the awards. But I was struck by something last night...more than one celebrity (either introducing an award or receiving it) commented on how unimportant the award is in the greater scheme of things.

Ricky Gervais ridiculed them.
Jim Carrey scorned them.
Morgan Freeman asked for applause to stop as it gives the wrong impression.
Ryan Gosling mentioned a Montessori experience of everyone winning a participation trophy.
These stood out among others.

Yet, there they were, waiting on the announcements, thanking their people when they won. Some with shock (Kate Winslet truly was surprised), others with expectant humility (Leonardo Dicaprio was excellent in his speech), and others with genuine joy and welcome (Sylvester Stallone was well received with a standing ovation as a winner).

If these awards are so unimportant, why all the emotion? I think partly, because people love to win. People like the competition. People like to be inspired to more. As Ridley Scott said about his movie (it did well, but then along came Star Wars, and it raised the bar of what we might achieve).

Awards seem to get ridiculed on both fronts (people don't like the participation trophies - even a commercial makes fun of them), but people don't like the negative competition they create either. So in one respect...the Globes echoed real life last night - apart from the obvious ways it doesn't!

As for me...I like awards...real awards for achieving something significant.When people perform, or better yet, outperform, awards bring that recognition. It is far more meaningful when that award is given by your peers. And the sweetest recognition is when it comes as a surprise to even you!

So who is outperforming in your life...give them an doesn't have to be a golden statue to be significant!